School Evaluation Summary

20 Jul

For this project I had to survey and evaluate my schools technology environment. In a modern world we can utilize technology in education to provide our students with unique and substantial learning opportunities.  I used a Technology Maturity Benchmark Survey to establishing ranking of the school on 4 elements of Administrative, Curricular, Support, Connectivity, and Innovation. Using these elements as well as demographic information, I was able to to evaluate the schools technology environment.  I used the technology maturity benchmark model to summarize each category and subcategory according to a ranking of emergent, island, integrated, or intelligent.  Through this process I was able to develop a in depth school evaluation summary for the school technology environment

In doing this project, I have learned that there are several components that have to come together in order to create a school with an intelligent technology environment.  As a teacher, I had not really considered all the ways which our district and school had created policy, formal and informal operations, and innovations that established how technology fits into our day to day functions in the classroom.  I was able to take a look into the complexity that each element contributed to the big picture and evaluate our schools status.  Throughout this process I was able to identify areas in which the school was excelling in, as well as areas that need improvements.  I looked at individual components and realized how each element is dependent on other elements in order to be successful. Overall I have decided that I am fortunate to work in a district which supports technology education and believe our school is headed in the right direction. I am eager to continue to improve the ways we implement technology into curriculum and look forward to see where technology will take us in the years to come.

This is the Maturity Benchmark Survey for Campbell Elementary

This is my School Evaluation Summary


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